N E W  B R A N D  I S  H E R E

Julieta Alvarez is a ceramic artist specialized in jewelry, decorative objects and sculptures. All the pieces are designed and produced in Spain, shaped and lacquered one by one, manually, by her.

Her creations have reached more than 20 countries, including the shops of such museums as the Pompidou in Paris, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Luxembourg and the Reina Sofia in Madrid.

Selected pieces are now available in our online-store.

B O G  C O L L E C T I O N


M A D A M  S C H U S T E R

“I stop, as if I were standing alone on the street, and in the distance, above, there is a party of birch trees.
I listen to how the abundance of life smiles, but I am not torn in its fluffiness.
The birch trunks nod in agreement and so do I, leaving only what I can hold with my hand.”

This collection emerged from my love to bog nature, that feeling inside me, the connection, the calmness and peace it gives.

These pieces are made to celebrate pause.

Being one with nature.


Creative spirit, shared values on sustainability and ethics, similar approach to design, new aesthetic experiences.


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